"Protecting Those Who Protect" The motto says it all. For more than forty years, ASP has had a single-minded focus on providing law enforcement officers with the finest tools for the safe performance of their duties, and industry-leading training in the use of those tools. Every day, professionals in over 100 countries trust ASP products and training with their lives—so they can’t afford less than the very best.
In short, ASP products must make a positive contribution to the profession, while meeting or exceeding our high standards of design, quality and reliability. ASP spends a significant percentage of its revenues on research and development, design, prototyping, lab testing and field testing. In order to make it to market and wear their brand, a product must reflect what they call “ASP DNA”. It must be an innovative solution to a real-world problem—meeting a clear need in a new way, or improving on an existing solution. It must be demonstratively the best in its class. And, it must be unique, and whenever possible, patentable. In fact, ASP products are covered by some 150 patents.
BUILT FOR PEOPLE WHO CAN’T AFFORD LESS—Trusted by over 4 million police and military professionals, in more than 100 countries ― those who demand the absolute best.
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