The Maison des Couteliers (Museum of Cutlery) traces the social and economic history of cutlery in Thiers from its installation in artisanal form to the beginning of its industrialization. It honors these workers with multiple skills, evolving in particularly difficult working conditions. The birth of the Jurande (cutlery board), the specificities of the organization in "rows" and the quality of production have thus contributed to the influence of Thiers cutlery throughout the world.
The 700 pieces on display testify to the know-how of the cutlers, the diversity of shapes and their evolutions according to lifestyles, techniques, and materials. The collection presents work from French and foreign cutlery centers from the 16th century to the present day. An invitation to discover the evolution of the knife object, the elegance of tableware, the modernization of lines and manufacturing techniques and to marvel at pieces of fine cutlery in mother-of-pearl, ivory, and gold.
In the workshops of the museum, the artisan cutlers demonstrate the stages of manufacture of a knife and to discover the different mechanisms of the closing knife, whose productions one can find exclusively in the museum shop.
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