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Shop Tidioute

Tidioute is a small town located alongside the Allegheny River not far from Titusville, PA. Unknown to many people is the significant cutlery history of this town from the 1890’s to the 1930’s. Over that short span of forty or so years, five separate cutlery manufacturers produced knives that are today sought after by collectors who covet the high quality and rare Tidioute brand knives. Ninety years later, Great Eastern has brought back the Tidioute name with their Tidioute Cutlery branded classic pocket knives. Much like the original Tidioute Cutlery Company, the new knives have blades made with high quality American made 1095 high carbon tool steel. They are handled with a variety of materials which include the traditional North American cattle bone and ebony wood. Like all Great Eastern knives, the Tidioute Cutlery brand knives are classically styled and of exceptional craftsmanship and quality. They are good enough to…

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