1493 - TDI Investigator - FRN Sheath
The Original TDI Knife was designed by John Benner, founder of Tactical Defense Institute. A former police lieutenant, Drug Task Force Coordinator, and SWAT Team Tactical Field Commander, Benner has more than 30 years’ experience in the law enforcement field. He has developed courses for raid tactics, defensive tactics and knife programs that are currently taught to law enforcement, military and civilian groups. Designed by an officer with officers in mind, TDI fixed-blade knives are meant to be worn at the off hand and draw like a pistol. In extreme close quarters where a suspect is attempting to take an officer’s handgun, the TDI fixed-blades are available as a last defense option. Coupled with friction sheaths, the units easily mount on an officer’s pant belt and conceal behind the various gear worn on his duty belt.
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