SH6000XPF - Practical XL Katana -
The Practical Katanas have always been at the forefront of providing economical yet functional swords to the martial arts community. These latest Practicals combine the blade geometries and profiles of the Performance Series with the affordability of our Practical fittings. The removable handle is tightly wrapped in the traditional style with imitation leather to provide a positive grip that will withstand years of kata or tameshigiri practice.
Study on the use of the Japanese sword is a very serious endeavor. Students of Iaido (Way of the Sword Draw) typically learn the sword using various instruments. Most likely they will begin with a bokken / bokuto (wooden sword) and then an Iaito (un-edged training sword) before handling a Shinken (live sword). Iaito are an integral tool in the learning process allowing students to practice with a sword with a sense of safety for themselves and for those around them. Iaito by CAS Hanwei are light (less than 2lbs.) and extremely well balanced to reduce the wear-and-tear on specific joints. The Nami, Gorin and Tsuru iaito are a breakthrough in design and functionality. Made of a special stainless steel, they are much more durable than aluminum alloy Iaito. Steel has the “feel” of a live blade and is not prone to distort when making a practice cutting stroke. These very affordable practice swords are the ideal training tools for safely practicing the ancient art of Iaido. The un-edged blades are crafted in 400 series stainless steel with a simulated hamon and are fully tempered to withstand repeated drawing and practice cutting strokes. Each blade features a bo-hi (groove), which both reduces blade weight and produces an audible feedback when practice cutting strokes are made correctly.
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